Youth Confirmation Classes

Schedule: Wednesdays 5:45
Location: Zion Auditorium and Online via Zoom
Age group: 11-17
Cost for Books: $25 (assistance available)

New students are welcome! Confirmation classes for youth ages 11 and older are held weekly. Classes are in-person with an online option for attending using Zoom when needed. Youth learn the foundations of the Christian faith by studying and memorizing scripture and learning how to navigate the Bible. Study and memorization of key teachings of scripture, as laid out in Luther’s Small Catechism, provides a strong foundation for each youth’s life-long growth in faith and Christian life.

Request Confirmation Sign-Up Information here:

New Member, Adult Confirmation Class

Schedule: Beginning January 8, 2023
Location: Zion Fellowship Hall (downstairs)
Age group: Adults and Teens
Leader: Pastor Stephen Heimer
Cost for Materials: none

Joining Zion as a member? Want to refresh or clarify your understanding of the Christian faith? How is Zion the same or distinct from other Christian denominations? Enroll in this 5-session overview of the biblical teachings that inform our walk with Christ. Have to miss one of the sessions? Don’t worry, we will schedule additional sessions so that everything can be covered in time for you to join Zion on a Sunday.

Topic 1: God – What do we know and How do we know it.

Topic 2: Salvation and the Christian Life

Topic 3: Baptism and Worship

Topic 4: The Church (people) and Holy Communion

Topic 5: Lutheran distinctions, LCMS, Zion Life Together

Let us know you would like to enroll: