125th Anniversary Zion Mission Offering

In thanksgiving to God for our beginning as a mission, the service and sacrifice of Zion’s first pastor Rev. Huebotter who came to El Paso as a missionary, and the whole 125 years of mission to and through Zion’s members, our congregation is adopting these three mission projects (Local, Regional, and Global) for our Anniversary Mission Offering.  Please prayerfully consider ways the Lord would enable you to contribute.  Anniversary offering envelopes are available between now and Reformation Sunday in October.  Gifts can also be given online here.

Special Anniversary Mission Offering

Anniversary Mission Projects:

  • In the world: Siberian Lutheran Seminary
  • In the region: Missionaries to Latin America, the Rickmans
  • In the nearby community: Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care
  • In the congregation: Zion meal fellowship, Kitchen Renovation

Through the Holy Spirit’s power, this seminary and the pastors graduating from it, are once again evangelizing Russia, a place where God’s light was nearly put out under communism in past decades.  People are responding to the Gospel and hungry for God’s Word and Sacrament. During the Rocky Mountain District Convention, it was decided that the Siberian Lutheran Seminary would be the focus for support for the next triennium.

Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care (YLM) is our local connection to mission on both sides of the border.  On our behalf and with our help, it coordinates relief efforts during times of crisis and provides direct care.  YLM provides vital financial and material resources to missions, Pastors, and Deaconesses and coordinates mission trips for home construction, medical clinics, VBS, and more.  Mariachi San Pablo is a ministry of YLM with close connection to our Zion congregation and the location of our Friday worship service in Mexico led by Pastor Stephen is sustained through YLM.

Missionaries Rev. Dr. Arthur and Deaconess Eva Rickman

Serving the Lord in Latin America

The Rev. Dr. Arthur and Deaconess Eva Rickman serve the Lord through The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) as missionaries in Latin America, based in Panama. Arthur serves as an area facilitator in the region (covering Colombia, Cuba, Mexico and Panama), building and strengthening relationships with LCMS partners. In addition, Arthur oversees theological education opportunities and manages diaconal work in the area. He also serves as sole pastor of Redeemer Lutheran Church, Balboa, Panama, where Eva serves as a deaconess. Eva assists with deaconess formation in the region. She serves as an adjunct professor at Concordia the Reformer Seminary and Mercy Center in the Dominican Republic, writes curriculum, and mentors the women studying in Panama and Spain. The Rickmans have served as missionaries in both Latin America and the Asia region. They enjoy spending time and exploring God’s creation with their seven children: Bethany, Zoe, Noah, Nathaniel, Mary Anna, Adelheid and Hannah.

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