About Us

We are a LCMS congregation in El Paso, Texas, of about 400, small enough to know and encourage one another with “the feel” of being a family (which God has made us to be in Jesus Christ!), and large enough to be able to engage in beautiful ministry together (worship services, prayer groups, choir, handbells, mariachi, numerous service projects, mission outreach, evangelism, several Bible study groups, youth ministry, children’s ministry, LWML, and more).


Standing Strong
Not by our own strength, but by the strength of God, do we stand. We fully rely on Christ and point you to His great love and provision for you too. God comes to us and strengthens us through His Word, by His Holy Spirit in baptism, and in Holy Communion. God’s strength flows through our transformed lives for the good of others.

Reaching Out
Eternal Life and all of God’s good gifts were won by Jesus Christ for all people, of every nation, language, race, age, background, and economy. God’s love is for you! We will do everything we can, as God enables us, to let you know of His salvation and to welcome you into our Christian community.

Growing Together
God does not leave us as we were before knowing and trusting Christ. He comes close to us and brings us into friendship, care, and shared purpose with each other. In our families, husbands and wives grow in love for each other as God’s love grows within them. Children and youth learn their valued place in God’s family. Care for the world, for orphans, widows, prisoners, neighbors in need… is an outpouring of God’s ongoing transformation of our lives and abilities to serve as His instruments of care for each other.

A Year at Zion

Worship Services – Throughout the year, we enjoy weekly worship services (Communion services on the first and third Sundays, and Services of “Prayer and Mission” on the second and fourth). During the seasons of Lent and Advent we additionally gather on Wednesdays for the Service of Evening Prayer. Six different Bible Study groups gather on different days and at different locations in the Fall (Labor Day to Thanksgiving), Winter (New year to Ash Wednesday), and Spring (Easter to Summer Break). Two groups meet year-round. The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) organizes a variety of mission-focused activities, human care, and outreach efforts of Zion between September and May. The Choir and Handbell choir rehearse on Wednesdays and Saturdays from August to May and participate in worship services. In partnership with YLM Human Care, the much-loved Mariachi San Pablo music ensemble rehearses at Zion year-round.

Pastor and Staff

Pastor Kirk Triplett and Church Administrative Assistants Stephanie Lettunich and Lana Arnold are employed by Zion and serve alongside a large team of volunteers who lead the congregation as the church council and elders and serve in NUMEROUS areas of ministry.