updated February 7, 2025
Each week’s bulletin announcements will be posted here with extra detail and ongoing updates.
LWML has begun Zion’s annual Lenten Food Collection
to benefit the Ysleta Lutheran Mission with their weekly food distributions. The collection will continue through the season of Lent. Non-perishable food items most needed are: canned fruits, canned vegetables, cereal, and small bags of beans and rice for YLM’s weekly food distributions to families in need. The Zion Congregation is invited to participate once again. Items you wish to donate may be placed on the designated table in the Auditorium. THANK YOU, in advance, for participating in this Outreach project!!
New Portals of Prayer!
The quarterly devotion booklets have arrived. Pick up your copy at the church entrance or in the auditorium.
Attention thrivent members
who may have available “thrivent choice” from 2024! March 31st is the deadline to designate 2024 thrivent choice dollars to a church or charity of your choosing. You can designate by contacting Susan Hernandez locally at 915-565-1010, online at thrivent.com (generosity tab, thrivent choice), or by phone during business hours at 1-800-847-4836 (say “thrivent choice” to get to a person to help you).
Easter Egg Candy Donations
The Board of Ed is requesting small toys and/or wrapped candy donations for the Easter egg hunt on Saturday, March 30th. Donations can be dropped off at the church office this week.
Easter Lily Donations
We will be collecting donations for Easter Lilies to decorate the altar for Easter. If you would like to contribute, they are $10 each. You can place cash or check in a designated envelope at the back of the church or pay online at www.zionelpaso.org/offerings/
Bible Camp (VBS) Meeting – April 6th after Worship
We are looking for volunteers to help with our summer VBS program for kids. It would be great to have our youth and parents involved in assisting the Board of Education for a successful and enjoyable program!
Children’s Ministry
The Sunday School teachers and the Board of Education look forward to helping our Zion families with the biblical teaching for the children in our congregation. We look forward to having your children attend Sunday School. Classes are for ages Pre-K to 5th grade. We meet every Sunday from 9:15 – 10:15am. Please feel to reach out to Jennifer Bermea via text at 915-873-0160
NEW Women’s Bible Study starting Tuesday, March 25th at 11:00
Megan Viverette and Lara Triplett will begin a new study “Promised Hope: Finding Peace in God’s Faithfulness” If you are interested in joining, please RSVP to the church office by March 11th and we will order your book!
Stitches for Jesus – Wednesdays
Stitching the hearts of Zion members together in fellowship and creativity. We not only do sewing and needle crafts, we also do things like potting plants, paper crafts (i.e., origami) and anything your creative heart enjoys doing. We have the space, so please join us on Wednesdays from 10:00 AM –12:00 PM.
Youth Confirmation Class Sundays at 9:00 am
If you have not registered your child/children, grades 6th and up, please contact the church office for information and registration forms.
Adult/Teen Confirmation Class Tuesdays at 6:30 pm
Pastor Kirk leads this class for those interested in membership as well as those who would like to refresh their knowledge of the basics of our faith.
Handbell and Choir – Saturdays at 9am and 10:30am
Everyone is welcome to join the Handbell Choir and/or Choir led by our music director, David Garcia.
FREE Guitar Lessons – Wednesdays at 5:00 pm
Music classes are starting up again and you are invited to join! Miguel from Mariachi San Pablo will be teaching guitar and we are hoping to add inn other instruments as well. If you are musically talented and would like to share with or teach others, we invite you to join also!
2025 Offering Envelopes
We have several new boxes of numbered offering envelopes available. Please contact the church office if you would like a designated box to keep track of offerings.
Altar Flowers for 2025
There is a new calendar posted at the back of the sanctuary with many available dates. We order flowers from a local shop throughout the year. They do a very nice job at a reasonable cost of $23 per arrangement. If you would like to provide flowers for a particular Sunday, just sign up for that date and place your flower donation in a marked envelope in the offering plate or online and be sure to take your flowers home.
Sunday morning Bible Study begins at 9:15 am
Pastor Kirk presents the book of Romans. Everyone is invited to attend and participate in this study. Attend in person or, if you’re out of town, connect via Zoom at 9:15am every Sunday.
Find more information and the Zoom Link signup here.
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