“Set Apart to Serve” – at Zion, Around the World

A great gift to the world is God’s sending of workers into His harvest. “Harvest” is Jesus’ word for bringing His salvation to all people by grace, through faith. The work is sharing His gospel word and providing care in His name. Church vocations are honorable, holy, and joyful in the mission and grace of Christ. Consider the options for becoming a:



Lutheran School Teacher

Director of Christian Education

Director of Outreach

Director of Family Life Ministry

Director of Parish Music

Director of Church Ministries

View the LCMS “Set Apart to Serve” website for a variety of information.

Lay Ministry Programs

Upon completion of the Lay Ministry Training program, one may serve in a variety of areas in the congregation such as:

  • Developing outreach ministries
  • Mentoring new members
  • Leading small group ministries
  • Assist in administration and in developing stewardship programs
  • Assist in care-giving ministry of the parish (hospital, home and care centers)
  • Provide Bible studies in care centers
  • Assist in family life education
  • Assist in children’s ministry
  • Youth ministry
  • Keeping in touch with members who are not worshipping on a regular basis
  • Developing men’s and women’s ministries
  • Summer camps for children and youth
  • Prayer ministry

Groups for Serving and Learning

Consider getting involved in one or more groups dedicated to Christian service, Bible study, or Prayer.

  • Board of Elders – support, assist, and oversee proper Biblical practices of our worship and teaching
  • Church Council – oversee the nuts and bolts functioning of the congregation (budget, facilities, supplies, group communication and cooperation, etc.)
  • Education Board and Teachers of Children and Youth – plans and carries out classes and activities for children and youth to learn scripture and live as followers of Jesus
  • The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) – meet monthly to plan projects that show God’s love and support mission efforts throughout the world
  • Small Group Bible Studies – lead or facilitate a small group Bible study
  • Prayer Network – learn about and pray for the needs of people who are requesting prayer
  • “Stitches for Jesus” – a class that offers those who knit, crochet and cross-stitch a time to share their talents and skills with others while fellowshipping and getting to know each other better.
  • Outreach Team – plan and carry out activities that communicate the Gospel with people outside of Zion, help the community and show God’s love in the Name of Jesus, and invite participation in the activities of Zion

Additional areas related to Groups:  fellowship125th anniversary committee, children and youth ministry

Sign Up to Serve

Fill out this form and the church office will help you get connected with a ministry leader.

Get Involved – Holy Week and Easter

People especially want to worship during Holy Week, and we especially want people to connect with Christ through His Gospel message. That means there is a bit more than usual that needs to take place before, during, and after all our worship services and activities. Your help will make a huge difference in the great ways we will celebrate and reach out.

Below is a list of opportunities to serve as we prepare for and carry out all of the Holy Week and Easter activities and worship services. Click to expand any of the boxes below to see details. If you have any questions on how to get involved, don’t hesitate to call or email or contact us here. Looking for worship service details for Holy Week and Easter? Find those here.

Worship Services

 – Readers

 – Acolytes

 – Ushers – welcome, hand out bulletins, assist with seating

 – Tidy up after the service

Setup, Decorate, & Cleanup for Worship and Meals 

– Weeds pulled/whacked around property, leaves and trash removed (before Palm Sunday and special tidy up throughout holy week)

 – Setup/cleanup Easter Breakfast (including trash bags removed)  (Saturday and Sunday tasks)

 – Setup/cleanup for Outdoor Sunrise service (chairs, flowers, decorate, altar, sound system)

 – Fold and staple bulletins

 – Tidy up all public spaces before each gathering (lending library displays out of place, cups/plates/bulletins etc.… left from previous services)

Shop, Prepare Food, Serve, Cleanup Easter Breakfast

 – Display showing the fundraising cause (free-will donations for youth to camp and other activities)

– Easter Breakfast Menu Plan

– Food shopping (include paper goods and warmer equipment)

– Food preparation

– Easter Breakfast dining room decoration


 – Handbell Choir, Vocal Choir, Outdoor Ensemble,  (Rehearsals and Services)

 – Soloists for Maundy Thursday/Good Friday noontime and evening services


 – Call elderly to inform about noontime services and ask if they need/want a ride to any services

 – Coordinate rides for those who need them

Altar Guild

 – Purchase Lilies

 – Water lilies

 – Purchase Flowers for Outdoor and Outreach

 – Fasten Palms to the processional cross

 – Find/Repair/Make new Easter Sunday Processional Banners

 – Fill Candles

 – Maundy Thursday Stripping of Altar

Invitations & Outreach 

– Invitation flyers placed on doors in Zion neighborhood. (before Palm Sunday)

 – Share social media invitations

 – Update marquee

 – Supervise children/youth delivering flowers to neighbors (after sunrise service)

 – Identify who should receive lilies and coordinate deliveries

 – Deliver Easter lilies after Sunday service


 – Gather and lead and provide security for the children’s palm procession (on Palm Sunday)

 – Table crafts/activities during Easter breakfast

On Call

– Someone without other duties who is available to react if something breaks and we need a quick fix

– Someone without other duties who is available to react if something is forgotten and we need a quick shopping trip


Consider getting involved in ways that help us know each other better, spend time together, and care for one another.

  • Rides – provide transportation for elderly members so they can participate in worship, Bible studies, groups, and other activities
  • Meals – coordinate food and other details for funeral meals, Lent and Advent suppers, and potlucks; prepare food for these meals or deliver to homes in times of need
  • Hospitality – assist guests during meals, funerals, weddings, non-Sunday baptisms, Quinceañeras, and other events
  • Event Set-Up and Clean Up – come early and/or stay late to complete the particular tasks related to special events and meals

Additional areas related to Fellowship:  groups125th anniversary committee, worship preparation

Sign Up to Serve

Fill out this form and the church office will help you get connected with a ministry leader.

Music and Art

Consider getting involved in one of our music groups or as a soloist.

  • Music Classes – On Wednesdays at 5pm, learn guitar at the beginning levels and Intermediate Guitar.
  • Handbell Choir – rehearses on Saturdays at 9am and rings during worship services at least once a month. Join any time of the year.
  • Vocal Choir – rehearses on Saturdays at 10:30am, this ensemble sings choral pieces in worship services and supports congregational singing of hymns Join any time of the year.
  • Banners – create new banners and display banners for worship services to match worship and seasonal themes

Additional areas related to Music and Art:  children and youth ministry, groups, 125th anniversary committee

Sign Up to Serve

Fill out this form and the church office will help you get connected with a ministry leader.

Children and Youth Ministry

Consider getting involved in ways that help children and youth grow in faith and Christian friendship.

  • Family Story Time – prepare and/or help lead lessons for children at church on Sunday mornings
  • At-Home Lessons – connect with parents and send them materials for at-home lessons and family devotions
  • Vacation Bible School – prepare and lead a special summer-time program for children that often includes Bible lessons, crafts, songs, drama, snacks, theme-based decorations, and games
  • Youth Group – assist youth participation in Sunday worship, Bible study, service projects, fellowship activities, fundraising, camps and youth gatherings
  • Confirmation Classes – assist youth participation in confirmation classes as a teacher or mentor; provide transportation, snacks, encouragement, help with banners, etc.

Additional areas related to Children and Youth Ministry:  music and artfellowship, groups, 125th anniversary committee

Sign Up to Serve

Fill out this form and the church office will help you get connected with a ministry leader.


Consider helping with a variety of tasks that help in our life together as a church.

  • Office Volunteers – assist with tasks in the church office
  • Fold Bulletins – assist in the weekly preparation of worship materials
  • Newsletters – fold newsletters and apply labels
  • Marquee Sign – update the outdoor sign, letter by letter, with Bible Verses or announcements
  • Flags – put up and take down the flags on Sundays and national holidays
  • Post Office – take mail to the post office
  • Shopping – order or shop for supplies needed in the office and other ministries

Additional areas related to Tasks: worship preparation, building maintenance

Sign Up to Serve

Fill out this form and the church office will help you get connected with a ministry leader.

Building Maintenance

Consider getting involved in ways that keep our buildings and grounds ready for worship, learning, and fellowship. Never done it before? We’ll teach you how.

  • Board of Trustees – a wide variety of day to day fixes and improvements to the building
  • Grounds Upkeep – watering plants, weed and leaf removal, etc.

Additional areas related to Building Maintenance: worship preparation, other tasks

Sign Up to Serve

Fill out this form and the church office will help you get connected with a ministry leader.

Technology and Media

Consider getting involved in ways that involve technology. Never done it before? We’ll teach you how.

  • Worship Service Sound Operators – adjust volumes of microphones in the church building and for the worship livestream; setup microphones for guest musicians, outdoor worship services, Bible studies, etc.
  • Livestream Camera Operators – start and operate the worship service livestreams
  • Photographers – capture happy moments in our lives together for newsletters and social media posts
  • Graphic Design – create graphics for website posts, posters, and worship service livestreams
  • Website – post news and perform maintenance and updates
  • Translate to Spanish – review website Spanish translations, create Spanish versions of social media posts and other materials
  • Social Media – administrate and/or create posts on Zion’s social media accounts (existing and new)
  • Video Creation and Editing – capture and edit video for Zion teaching and outreach
  • Zoom Meeting Advanced Operations – operate the computer and audio/video equipment used for Bible studies and meetings with in-person/online participation

Additional areas related to Technology: building maintenance, music, other tasks

Sign Up to Serve

Fill out this form and the church office will help you get connected with a ministry leader.

Worship Preparation and Assistance

Consider getting involved in ways that facilitate and lead us in worship. Never done it before? We’ll teach you how.

  • Altar Care – prepare the bread and wine for communion Sundays, match altar-area paraments to the seasonal color
  • Readers – read the Old Testament and Epistle Scripture readings during worship services.
  • Ushers – assist worshippers in finding seating and receiving bulletins
  • “Cross Bearers” – welcome worshippers and show hospitality to new visitors
  • Preparing Altar Candles – re-fill altar candles with oil and replace wicks as needed
  • Youth Acolytes – light candles, carry processional cross, and assist in baptisms

Additional areas related to Worship Preparation: technology, building maintenance, music and art, other tasks

Sign Up to Serve

Fill out this form and the church office will help you get connected with a ministry leader.