Forever Alive: “You Will Find Rest”

When I was little, about five years old, I LOVED being carried into the house “asleep” in my father’s arms.  Usually, it was in the late evening, after driving home from some activity. After years of finding their little boy asleep in the car seat, my parents were in the habit of carrying me in. Now a little bit older, I wasn’t actually asleep, but had learned to love the embrace, the lift, the carry, and the placement right into bed.  As an adult with my own children, when each one arrived at that stage, I smiled inside as I lifted the pretend sleeper up out of the seat to carry them in, resolving to keep doing it as long as my back could hold out under the growing weight.  God lifts and carries us when we are weary (and even when not so weary). Our Father is always present, strong, and loving to lift us and give comfort and rest. 

Matthew 11:28–29 (ESV): “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

What you can look forward to from your Heavenly Father as you remember Christ’s sacrifice and victory is REST. 

Hebrews 4:9–11 (ESV): “there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God, for whoever has entered God’s rest has also rested from his works as God did from his. Let us therefore strive to enter that rest, so that no one may fall”

Everyday (every moment 24/7), in Christ, we live in His Sabbath rest.  He died for our sins.  Our souls rest in His accomplishments, in His grace, in His ways, and in His promise of resurrection.  We do our daily duties of school, job, or home from a condition of security and rest in Christ.

At Zion, on Sundays, keep setting apart time to rest for a few hours together in His Word and sacraments, in the singing of hymns, psalms, and spiritual songs, in prayer and in the mutual consolation that comes from time spent with others in Jesus’ name.  All the week, continue to rest in Christ’s gifts alone in the early morning or late evening hours, with family in devotions together on the phone or online.

Each time we worship, we rest in the arms of Christ as we hear scripture and preaching and share in the sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion.  Christ gives rest, by His power, real supernatural rest for our souls.

Fall Stewardship Theme:  “Forever Alive”

Our times together on Sundays this Fall, as the Pentecost Season gives way to Advent, will offer us opportunity to reflect on these important stewardship themes of Good News for a weary, confused, and hurting world:

October: Weariness yields to REST

November: Confusion gives way to DISCOVERY

December: Hurt finds healing in LOVE

These will inspire a fresh outlook concerning our 24/7 walk with God and our times together for worship, prayer, study, and working together at Zion. 

I’m excited for us all to rest in some new (for us) songs we will sing together in canon during worship, sung throughout each month reflecting the month’s theme. What a blessing to share life together, resting in the arms of our savior!

In Christ’s love,

Pastor Stephen

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