Video Bible Study This Week – May 9-15, 2022

“Lessons for Liturgy, Lessons for Life”

Scripture Study leading to Sunday, May 15, 2022

Pastor Emeritus Howard Patten and Pastor Stephen Heimer examine the upcoming scripture lessons for May 15, 2022, the Fifth Sunday of Easter.


  • Acts 11:1–18
  • Revelation 21:1–7
  • John 16:12–22

“Great Good for the World Because We Follow Jesus”

Remember! We follow Jesus! and this makes all the difference in our confident prayers and service during turbulent times. This message was prepared for broadcast in El Paso on channel 38, Life! Christian Television on January 18th.

Video Bible Study This Week December 28 – January 3, 2021

“Lessons for Liturgy, Lessons for Life”

Scripture Study leading to Sunday, January 3, 2021

“Lessons for Liturgy, Lessons for Life” Pastor Emeritus Howard Patten and Pastor Stephen Heimer examine the upcoming scripture lessons for Sunday, January 3, 2021, the Second Sunday after Christmas


  • 1 Kings 3:4–15
  • Ephesians 1:3–14
  • Luke 2:40–52

Video Bible Study This Week December 7 – 13, 2020

“Lessons for Liturgy, Lessons for Life”

Scripture Study leading to Sunday, December 13, 2020

“Lessons for Liturgy, Lessons for Life” Pastor Emeritus Howard Patten and Pastor Stephen Heimer examine the upcoming scripture lessons for Sunday, December 13, 2020, the Third Sunday in Advent


  • Isaiah 61:1–4, 8–11
  • 1 Thessalonians 5:16–24
  • John 1:6–8, 19–28