Forever Alive, Forever in Love

Love came down at Christmas and achieved His mission of love. “God is love.” (1 John 4:8) Now, in Christ, we are alive forever, and we love now and forever.

While we live, we have opportunities galore to love others in tangible ways: We feel affections that attract deeper interest in others, we make resolutions that focus relationship plans with others, we defend others, we work to provide for people’s needs, we make vows and promises that steady hearts, we sacrifice for others’ good (displaying the love of Christ on the cross)… and more. Because of God’s love for us and Christ’s victory over death for us, we can love others now, even in small ways, with anticipation of long-term impact. As love connects with others “in the name of Jesus” the potential impact is LONG TERM. By faith, they too will live forever because of Jesus. We can truly say to every believer, “I will love you forever.” In Christ we are alive, in love forever. “Love never ends…. ….faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” (1 Co 13:8, 13) Chapter thirteen of 1 Corinthians reveals details about God’s perfect love. We aspire to it. We read this passage at weddings. Many people have artwork at home that display it so they can remember and hopefully be guided by its explanation that love is patient and kind, not boastful, arrogant, rude, selfish, irritable, or resentful; doesn’t rejoice at wrongdoing, rather rejoices with the truth (13:4-7).

It is a surprising love that Mary and Joseph receive into their lives as the angel Gabriel comes to them with God’s plans for the birth of Christ. They were betrothed, preparing to marry and no doubt had an idea of what types of blessing they would bring to each other and their families. They surely had heard the prophetic words of Isaiah, “The Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.” (Is 7:14). Perhaps Mary as a child had even entertained the thought, “Maybe I could be that virgin?” Such a thought was most likely far from her mind as she made plans to marry Joseph. Yet as the angel revealed her place in God’s plan, she responded with the faithful, loving, phrase, “Let it be to me according to your word” (Luke 1:38) Her life changed that day and she loved God and us in a unique way by bearing the child and raising him in the ways of God’s law. Joseph too would find himself wrapped up in God’s plans, loving God and loving Mary (and the world!) by following through with their marriage, providing for her, escorting her to Bethlehem, completing tasks and offerings prescribed for newborns and children by God’s law, leading the family to safety in Egypt, and bringing them home again to live, work, and grow in Nazareth… (fulfilling in many ways various other prophetic signs that affirms God’s steadfast love, justice, and eternal plans for us.)

Love expressed itself in many ways in their marriage and life together until death took Joseph away to heaven. Many people speak of “forever love” as they live and grow in appreciation for each other. All across the world there are sentiments of unending love even when death strikes. Praise be to God, because of Jesus, forever-love is more than a wish or a heartfelt hope. Forever-love is found and preserved in our eternal God, given to us freely; the best Christmas gift. To anyone who is in Christ, we can say, “I will love you forever” and it will be true.

On Sundays, as we gather for Word and Sacrament and listen to scripture readings for Advent, we will explore aspects of this love and its impact now and forever. Join us also on Wednesdays for evening prayer and a series of messages: Advent Answers to Hard Questions (learn more) May the Lord hold you in His loving grace.

In Christ’s love,

Pastor Stephen

Fall Stewardship Theme:  “Forever Alive”

Our times together on Sundays this Fall, as the Pentecost Season gives way to Advent, will offer us opportunity to reflect on these important stewardship themes of Good News for a weary, confused, and hurting world:

REST October: Weariness yields to rest.

DISCOVER November: Confusion gives way to discovery.

LOVE December: Hurt finds healing in love.

These will inspire a fresh outlook concerning our 24/7 walk with God and our times together for worship, prayer, study, and working together at Zion.