Luke 19:10
Jesus said… “Today salvation has come to this house… For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”
If there is a brief mission statement in scripture about the essential work of Christ’s love, it would be that Jesus Christ came to seek and to save the lost. Jesus declares these words when an infamous thief is turned around in the joy of Jesus’ truth and grace. Jesus had invited himself into the home of the tax collector Zacchaeus. Salvation came to Zacchaeus that day as he received Jesus, spent time with Him, and was transformed. His new heart was on display as he resolved to stop stealing from those from whom he collected taxes. He resolved to give back four times what he had defrauded and to start giving to the poor. May Jesus’ mission be fulfilled in us and in all the world still today. Jesus remains the most essen- tial of workers. He works salvation. He gives the Holy Spirit and works in us new hearts of love. He gives us joyful purpose as He leads us in new paths of praise to God, new depths of awareness of His goodness, and new opportunities and abilities to love our neighbors.
Countdown to 125
Established in 1898, our Zion congregation has been filled with nearly 125 years of men, women, and children rejoicing to receive Jesus, be transformed by Jesus, and reach out in love to others. As we approach the milestone 125th anniversary in 2023, (100th anniversary of worship in our building), let us take to heart the mission of our Savior that gives us unending purpose and joy. Let’s dust off old pictures and sleuth out historical details about the people and events that reveal a heritage of Christ’s grace and Holy Spirit power in this mission field. Above all let us learn anew to love one another as Christ has loved us (1 John 4) and love the “Zacchaeuses” in our world with Christ’s love in us. Jesus is on a mission still today to save and transform, and He has chosen to give us the joy of being His hands, feet and voice.
In Christ’s love,
Pastor Stephen