Forever Alive: “I Never Knew That!”

While visiting with families recently, I’ve asked them, “What is it about Jesus that most excites you… something He did, something He taught… What’s the first thing that comes to mind as ‘great’ about Jesus?’” The responses have been wonderful to listen to as children and adults share out loud what come comes to each person’s mind. There is no right or wrong answer. They’ve revealed something about Jesus to those listen- ing and also something about the person who is speak- ing. Every time, I’ve enjoyed seeing how interested the children were in their parent’s answers. “Resurrection”, “Healing”, “My sins are forgiven”, “His care for the suffering….” Some parents seemed nervous about what their children might say and then were really fascinated to hear their answers.

Pastors’ sermons and lessons have an important place in the life of God’s people, but I am convinced that the words about Jesus spoken out loud by Christian men, women, and children throughout the week are the most powerful way people discover (and rediscover) Jesus. Not bossing people around with Words about God, but sharing out loud their admiration of Jesus and His varied actions and teachings. Reflecting out loud about how His actions, promises, and lessons relate to situations you are in will sow seeds of faith and deep encouragement.

Sometimes, a few of the children won’t know what to say to answer the question, probably feeling nervous about taking in front of adults and a pastor. Their par- ents or godparents have jumped in to help. In every case, I’ve thought, “This is so good. We need to get in the practice of remembering and talking about the glori- ously wonderful and mind-blowing things Jesus has done.” It’s created an opportunity for me to give the family one of the Storybook Bibles Zion members have purchased for children and encourage them to read to- gether as a family. “When I see you next time, let me know what has jumped out as AMAZING about Jesus during your devotional moments together.”

The more practice we have talking about all the great deeds and important lessons Jesus did and taught, the more likely it will be that He will influence our decisions and actions and those of our family.

Fuel your conversations with discovery,— discovery of God and of the people around you. This month as we continue our stewardship theme, “Forever Alive,” we move from October’s focus on “REST” to “DISCOVER.” Alive forever in Christ, we can look forward to eternal discovery of all that is His heav- enly glory and His new heaven and earth. Alive forever, we can spend our days prioritizing the discovery of the Lord’s actions and promises and who we are in Him. The world will pass away, but God’s ways are eternal. God has not only saved us, but He reveals Himself through creation and through Holy Scripture. What we do together at Zion enables us to discover more and more who God is, what exciting things He has done and taught, as well as who we are together as His Church. We show our faith in Christ by pursuing knowledge of God and of our neighbor (because God wants us to love our neighbor and has united us to each other in Christ).

In Christ’s peace,

Pastor Stephen

Fall Stewardship Theme:  “Forever Alive”

Our times together on Sundays this Fall, as the Pentecost Season gives way to Advent, will offer us opportunity to reflect on these important stewardship themes of Good News for a weary, confused, and hurting world:

REST October: Weariness yields to rest.

DISCOVER November: Confusion gives way to discovery.

LOVE December: Hurt finds healing in love.

These will inspire a fresh outlook concerning our 24/7 walk with God and our times together for worship, prayer, study, and working together at Zion. 

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