Backpacks and School Supplies for the Ysleta Lutheran Mission

Ysleta Lutheran Mission in their “Back to School Distribution” to families in need, has begun and will continue through the month of June, and into the first week of July. With the help of a Thrivent Action Grant, we have kickstarted this collection with the purchase of Backpacks and School Supplies in bulk. We are also inviting the Congregation to join us, once again, in this very special Outreach project. Items needed for the collection are: New Backpacks; School supplies: Notebook paper, Spiral Notebooks, #2 pencils, blue and/or black ball point pens, crayons, colored pencils, watercolor markers, and/or glue sticks. Thanks, in advance, for your support of this special outreach to families in need! Items you wish to donate may be placed on the designated table in the Auditorium. All the items collected will be delivered to YLM during the week following July 7th; their “Back-to-School Distribution” will begin in mid-July. 

Lenten Food Drive

Organized by Zion’s LWML group, the lenten food drive will gather food to assist Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care with their weekly food distribution. We are inviting members and friends of Zion to join us in this Outreach project.

Non-perishable food items most needed at YLM are: pasta, cereal, small bags of rice, small bags of pinto beans, canned fruit, small bags of flour, and small bags of sugar. Please keep this collection in mind when you are grocery shopping; items you are donating may be placed in the designated location in the Zion Auditorium where you see this sign:

Thanks, in advance, for your help and support with this Outreach!

March Service Project: Food Distribution

Join us for another morning of service and fun Ysleta Lutheran Mission (301 Schutz Dr.) at 6:30 AM on Saturday, May 15th to assemble and distribute food baskets. All congregation members are invited! If you have any questions or need a ride to get there, please contact Sarah den Harder or the Zion office.

Youth Service Project – July 10th for the Zion Lending Library

We invite you to help us sort and organize our new and older books, create signs and labels, after church on July 10th. Let us know you’ll be helping and we will coordinate ahead of time for a quick lunch together as we gather after the worship service to get started working.

This project will prepare the library for the launch of our mid-summer reading program. Let’s read more Christian and Bible themed books!

Many thanks to Thrivent Financial and the $250 action team grant that is helping this effort. Would you like to help us grow our library? see below

Donate a Book – Gift Registry

Check out our “Wish List” and order additional books for Zion’s lending library. Order from this registry and books will be delivered to Zion’s office. Zion’s Concordia Publishing House gift registry

Backpacks and School Supplies Collection – May, June, July 2022

LWML is collecting Backpacks and School Supplies to assist the Ysleta Lutheran Mission in their annual “Back-to-School Distribution” to children/families in need. The members and friends of Zion’s congregation are invited to join us in this Outreach projectonce again! With the help of a Thrivent Action Grant, we will be collecting: Backpacks, Spiral Notebooks, Notebook Paper, pens, pencils, watercolor markers, crayons, colored pencils, glue sticks and/or bottles of glue, and children’s scissors. Items you wish to donate may be placed on the designated table in the Auditorium during the months of May, June, and early July. Thanks, in advance, for your support of this annual project to help families in need, as children head back to school!

Food Basket Distribution – May 14, 2022

Meet at 6:30am to prepare individual boxes of food, gathered from the variety of food donations Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care (YLM) has ready. That early!? you ask. Yes, it provides just enough time to assemble the food baskets before the distribution begins. We’ll be helping more than a hundred families, many of El Paso’s elderly, have much needed food.

Set your alarm clock early, drink that coffee, eat that donut and meet others from Zion at Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care for a morning well spent helping others. It’ll be great!

Date: May 14, 2022

Time: 6:30-9:30am

Address: YLM Human Care, 301 S. Schutz Dr., El Paso, TX 79907

Questions & RSVP – Contact Krysia Heimer, the Church Office, or write to us here.

Bagging Beans and Rice – Service Project, April 24th

Stay after church on April 24, 2022 for our annual “Bagging Beans and Rice Project” to assist Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care with its weekly food distributions.

We will gather in the auditorium and fill ziplock bags with beans and rice, separating smaller quantities out of the large 50 pound bags being purchased and donated.

Many thanks to Zion’s LWML for organizing this service project and thanks to Thrivent Financial for the Action Team grant to help purchase supplies and food.

Questions? Contact Lydia Williams or the church office or write to us here.

Diaper Collection – March 1 to April 17, 2022

A new addition to Zion will be arriving soon, born to one of our beloved Zion families !!  To help them welcome the new baby, LWML will be collecting Hello Bello Diapers: sizes NB, 1, and/or 2 ~ and “Water Wipes”, during the month of March. All members and friends of Zion are invited to join in this collection!

Hello Bello Diapers, the diapers used by the family, are available at Wal-Mart; Bed, Bath, & Beyond; and on Amazon. If you would like to contribute to this collection, we will be collecting the diapers and/or water wipes on the Auditorium Stage. When you bring your item(s) to church, to contribute, please go through the Auditorium Kitchen, up the 2 steps to the stage, and place them in the designated area up against the back wall of the stage. (*If you would like to contribute, but need help shopping, please let the Church Office know and a member of LWML will be glad to help you.) Thanks, in advance, for helping welcome the newest addition to the world and our family in Christ.