Video Bible Study This Week September 6-12, 2021

“Lessons for Liturgy, Lessons for Life”

Scripture Study leading to Sunday, September 12, 2021

Pastor Emeritus Howard Patten examines the upcoming scripture lessons for Sunday, September 12, the Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost.


  • Isaiah 50:4-10
  • James 3:1-12
  • Mark 9:14-29

Video Bible Study This Week August 30-September 5, 2021

“Lessons for Liturgy, Lessons for Life”

Scripture Study leading to Sunday, September 5, 2021

Pastor Emeritus Howard Patten examines the upcoming scripture lessons for Sunday, September 5, the Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost.


  • Isaiah 35:4-7a
  • James 2:1-18
  • Mark 7:24-37

Worship Service This Week – September 5, 2021

Masks while indoors? Recommended but not required – You are welcome to wear a mask at Zion and maintain social distancing as is recommended, but not universally required, by the CDC and the recent health ordinance of El Paso County. When you arrive, please let an usher know your distancing preference for seating. Disposable masks are available near the church entrance for those who wish to wear one but do not have one. (Learn more)

For at-home worship, here are links to the video stream, bulletins, and more:

Sunday at 10:30am

September 5, 2021 Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost– Communion Service

Livestreams and Videos

Download Bulletin for Sunday, September 5 2021 (pdf)

Children’s Activity Sheet, September 5, 2021 (pdf)

Offerings Online, by App, or By Mail

Mail Offerings to: Zion Lutheran Church, 2800 Pershing Dr., El Paso, TX 79903

Donations via an app:  If you prefer using your phone or tablet, you can download the Give Plus app from either the App Store or Google Play, depending on your type of phone.  Give Plus is the Vanco mobile application.  You can easily set up an account and donation through the app. 

“At Home in the Word” This Week – August 30-September 5, 2021

Repetition yields memorization, contemplation, and deeper understanding.  Draw from these scriptures, prayers, catechetical materials, and hymn(s) throughout your week of personal and family devotion, prayer, or homeschool family instruction. Then let them resonate in new ways as we all gather together in worship on Sunday.

This Week’s Theme: “Faith in Action”

Download “Faith in Action” At-Home Devotional Materials

Memory Verse Graphic

Echos of Grace

Thank You all so much!  The Anniversary Celebration on August 1st was such a blessing to me and all my family. Your kindness, love, and thoughtfulness warmed my heart. (Some of those warm feelings may have been the work of the delicious food from our first potluck meal in a long, long time! So great!) I thank God for all of you and I thank you. I smile when I see the pictures of the day and the sweet necklace given to Krysia. The trumpet is amazing and I’m so thrilled to put it to work in praising God right away during hymns at Zion and in this week’s evangelism performances of Mariachi San Pablo in South Dakota. 

One of the first songs Pastor Jose Ruiz taught me after he was ordained and I asked about important hymns of Mexico is the song, “Cien Ovejas” (One Hundred Sheep). It tells the story of the Good Shepherd who leaves the ninety-nine in the sheepfold when He discovers one of his sheep is missing  He goes out searching for the one who is lost and in danger. The song, as Ruiz arranged it, ends with a back and forth echo between the singer and speaking of the shepherd and the trumpet responding as a grateful, rescued sheep, echoing the tune of the shepherd’s love. “La tomó en sus brazos” (He took her [the sheep] in His arms) [trumpet echo] “Curó sus heridas” (healed her wounds) [trumpet echo]  “y al redil volvió” (and returned [with her] to the fold). 

We are all His beloved, rescued and redeemed, brought together by our Savior to share life eternal in His grace. What a joy to be carried by Him, be healed by Him, and echo His love for us by loving each other! Thank you for your love. I pray you and all of God’s people will continue to find healing and inspiration in our worship and service gatherings and that more and more of God’s beloved who are lost will be wrapped up in Christ’s loving arms as we echo His Gospel words where and when they can hear them. 

In Christ’s peace,

Pastor Stephen

Worship Service This Week – August 29, 2021

Masks while indoors? Recommended but not required – You are welcome to wear a mask at Zion and maintain social distancing as is recommended, but not universally required, by the CDC and the recent health ordinance of El Paso County. When you arrive, please let an usher know your distancing preference for seating. Disposable masks are available near the church entrance for those who wish to wear one but do not have one. (Learn more)

For at-home worship, here are links to the video stream, bulletins, and more:

Sunday at 10:30am

August 29, 2021 Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost– Non-Communion Service

Livestreams and Videos

Download Bulletin for Sunday, August 29, 2021 (pdf)

Smartphone-Friendly Version of Bulletin

Children’s Activity Sheet, August 29, 2021 (pdf)

Offerings Online, by App, or By Mail

Mail Offerings to: Zion Lutheran Church, 2800 Pershing Dr., El Paso, TX 79903

Donations via an app:  If you prefer using your phone or tablet, you can download the Give Plus app from either the App Store or Google Play, depending on your type of phone.  Give Plus is the Vanco mobile application.  You can easily set up an account and donation through the app. 

Video Bible Study This Week August 23-29, 2021

“Lessons for Liturgy, Lessons for Life”

Scripture Study leading to Sunday, August 29, 2021

Pastor Emeritus Howard Patten examines the upcoming scripture lessons for Sunday, August 29, 2021, the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost.


  • Deuteronomy 4:1-2, 6-9
  • Ephesians 6:10-20
  • Mark 7:14-23

“At Home in the Word” This Week – August 23-29, 2021

Repetition yields memorization, contemplation, and deeper understanding.  Draw from these scriptures, prayers, catechetical materials, and hymn(s) throughout your week of personal and family devotion, prayer, or homeschool family instruction. Then let them resonate in new ways as we all gather together in worship on Sunday.

This Week’s Theme: “Wisdom From God”

Download “Wisdom From God” At-Home Devotional Materials

Memory Verse Graphic

Worship Service This Week – August 22, 2021

We are open for in-person worship with special measures in place.

updated August 20, 2021

Masks while indoors? Recommended but not required – You are welcome to wear a mask at Zion and maintain social distancing as is recommended, but not universally required, by the CDC and the recent health ordinance of El Paso County. When you arrive, please let an usher know your distancing preference for seating. Disposable masks are available near the church entrance for those who wish to wear one but do not have one. (Learn more)

For at-home worship, here are links to the video stream, bulletins, and more:

Sunday at 10:30am

August 22, 2021 Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost– Non-Communion Service

Livestreams and Videos

Download Bulletin for Sunday, August 22, 2021 (pdf)

Smartphone-Friendly Version of Bulletin

Children’s Activity Sheet, August 22, 2021 (pdf)

Offerings Online, by App, or By Mail

Mail Offerings to: Zion Lutheran Church, 2800 Pershing Dr., El Paso, TX 79903

Donations via an app:  If you prefer using your phone or tablet, you can download the Give Plus app from either the App Store or Google Play, depending on your type of phone.  Give Plus is the Vanco mobile application.  You can easily set up an account and donation through the app. 

“At Home in the Word” This Week – August 16-22, 2021

Repetition yields memorization, contemplation, and deeper understanding.  Draw from these scriptures, prayers, catechetical materials, and hymn(s) throughout your week of personal and family devotion, prayer, or homeschool family instruction. Then let them resonate in new ways as we all gather together in worship on Sunday.

This Week’s Theme: “Teach Them, Show Them Jesus”

Download “Teach Them, Show Them Jesus” At-Home Devotional Materials

Memory Verse Graphic