Sunday Worship Service – January 9, 2022

For at-home worship, here are links to the video stream, bulletins, and more:

Sunday, January 9, 2022, at 10:30 AM

Epiphany (Observed) – Non-Communion Service

Livestreams and Videos

View the Worship Bulletin for January 9, 2022

Smartphone-Friendly. Visit this week’s worship email for the printable bulletin.

Children’s Activity Sheet, January 9, 2022 (pdf)

Masks while indoors? Recommended but not required – You are welcome to wear a mask at Zion and maintain social distancing as is recommended, but not universally required, by the CDC and the recent health ordinance of El Paso County. When you arrive, please let an usher know your distancing preference for seating. Disposable masks are available near the church entrance for those who wish to wear one but do not have one. (Learn more)

Offerings Online, by App, or By Mail

Mail Offerings to: Zion Lutheran Church, 2800 Pershing Dr., El Paso, TX 79903

Donations via an app:  If you prefer using your phone or tablet, you can download the Vanco Mobile app from either the App Store or Google Play, depending on your type of phone. You can easily set up an account and donation through the app. 

Video Bible Study This Week – January 3-9, 2022

“Lessons for Liturgy, Lessons for Life”

Scripture Study leading to Sunday, January 9, 2022

Pastor Emeritus Howard Patten and Pastor Stephen Heimer examine the upcoming scripture lessons for January 9, 2022, as we observe the Epiphany of Our Lord.


  • Isaiah 60:1–6
  • Ephesians 3:1–12
  • Matthew 2:1–12

New Year’s Eve Worship – December 31, 2021

For at-home worship, here are links to the video stream, bulletins, and more:

Friday, December 31, 2021, at 7:00 PM

New Year’s Eve – Evening Prayer Service

Livestreams and Videos

View Worship Bulletin for New Year’s Eve


Masks while indoors? Recommended but not required – You are welcome to wear a mask at Zion and maintain social distancing as is recommended, but not universally required, by the CDC and the recent health ordinance of El Paso County. When you arrive, please let an usher know your distancing preference for seating. Disposable masks are available near the church entrance for those who wish to wear one but do not have one. (Learn more)

Offerings Online, by App, or By Mail

Mail Offerings to: Zion Lutheran Church, 2800 Pershing Dr., El Paso, TX 79903

Donations via an app:  If you prefer using your phone or tablet, you can download the Vanco Mobile app from either the App Store or Google Play, depending on your type of phone. You can easily set up an account and donation through the app. 

Sunday Worship Service – January 2, 2022

For at-home worship, here are links to the video stream, bulletins, and more:

Sunday, January 2, 2022, at 10:30 AM

Second Sunday After Christmas – Communion Service

Livestreams and Videos

View Worship Bulletin for January 2, 2022


Children’s Activity Sheet, January 2, 2022 (pdf)

Masks while indoors? Recommended but not required – You are welcome to wear a mask at Zion and maintain social distancing as is recommended, but not universally required, by the CDC and the recent health ordinance of El Paso County. When you arrive, please let an usher know your distancing preference for seating. Disposable masks are available near the church entrance for those who wish to wear one but do not have one. (Learn more)

Offerings Online, by App, or By Mail

Mail Offerings to: Zion Lutheran Church, 2800 Pershing Dr., El Paso, TX 79903

Donations via an app:  If you prefer using your phone or tablet, you can download the Vanco Mobile app from either the App Store or Google Play, depending on your type of phone. You can easily set up an account and donation through the app. 

Christmas Eve 7pm Indoor Candlelight Lessons & Carols – December 24, 2021

Join us at 7:00pm for our indoor Christmas Eve candlelight service! We will provide candles for the final portion of the service (including battery-powered candles for young children). Don’t forget to take a Zion Christmas ornament for your tree at home!

For at-home worship, here are links to the video stream, bulletins, and more:

This service will feature our Children’s Nativity performance!

Friday, December 24, 2021, at 7:00pm

Christmas Eve – Indoor Candlelight Service of Lessons & Carols

Masks while indoors? Recommended but not required – You are welcome to wear a mask at Zion and maintain social distancing as is recommended, but not universally required, by the CDC and the recent health ordinance of El Paso County. When you arrive, please let an usher know your distancing preference for seating. Disposable masks are available near the church entrance for those who wish to wear one but do not have one. (Learn more)

Livestreams and Videos

View Worship Bulletin for December 24, 2021


Children’s Activity Sheet, December 24, 2021 (pdf)

Offerings Online, by App, or By Mail

Mail Offerings to: Zion Lutheran Church, 2800 Pershing Dr., El Paso, TX 79903

Donations via an app:  If you prefer using your phone or tablet, you can download the Vanco Mobile app from either the App Store or Google Play, depending on your type of phone. You can easily set up an account and donation through the app. 

Christmas Eve 5pm Outdoor Candlelight Service – December 24, 2021

Note about the weather: Unfortunately the wind gusts are too strong for us to hold the outdoor service today. Please join us at 7pm in the church sanctuary or online via our livestream. God bless you.

Friday, December 24, 2021, at 5:00pm

Christmas Eve – Outdoor Candlelight Service

Join us for this special outdoor Christmas Eve service! The service will begin at 5:00pm in the Zion courtyard. You can enter through the gate facing Pershing Dr. We will have everything set up for you and will provide candles for the final portion of our service (including battery-powered candles for young children). Don’t forget to take a Zion Christmas ornament for your tree at home!

Offerings Online, by App, or By Mail

Mail Offerings to: Zion Lutheran Church, 2800 Pershing Dr., El Paso, TX 79903

Donations via an app:  If you prefer using your phone or tablet, you can download the Vanco Mobile app from either the App Store or Google Play, depending on your type of phone. You can easily set up an account and donation through the app. 

Christmas Day 10:30am Communion Service – December 25, 2021

For at-home worship, here are links to the video stream, bulletins, and more:

Masks while indoors? Recommended but not required – You are welcome to wear a mask at Zion and maintain social distancing as is recommended, but not universally required, by the CDC and the recent health ordinance of El Paso County. When you arrive, please let an usher know your distancing preference for seating. Disposable masks are available near the church entrance for those who wish to wear one but do not have one. (Learn more)

This service will feature our live poinsettias on the Altar!

Saturday, December 25, 2021, at 10:30am

Christmas Day – Communion Service

Livestreams and Videos

View Worship Bulletin for December 25, 2021


Children’s Activity Sheet, December 25, 2021 (pdf)

Offerings Online, by App, or By Mail

Mail Offerings to: Zion Lutheran Church, 2800 Pershing Dr., El Paso, TX 79903

Donations via an app:  If you prefer using your phone or tablet, you can download the Vanco Mobile app from either the App Store or Google Play, depending on your type of phone. You can easily set up an account and donation through the app. 

Sunday Worship Service – December 26, 2021

For at-home worship, here are links to the video stream, bulletins, and more:

Masks while indoors? Recommended but not required – You are welcome to wear a mask at Zion and maintain social distancing as is recommended, but not universally required, by the CDC and the recent health ordinance of El Paso County. When you arrive, please let an usher know your distancing preference for seating. Disposable masks are available near the church entrance for those who wish to wear one but do not have one. (Learn more)

Sunday, December 26, 2021, at 10:30 AM

First Sunday After Christmas – Non-Communion Service

Livestreams and Videos

View Worship Bulletin for December 26, 2021


Children’s Activity Sheet, December 26, 2021 (pdf)

Offerings Online, by App, or By Mail

Mail Offerings to: Zion Lutheran Church, 2800 Pershing Dr., El Paso, TX 79903

Donations via an app:  If you prefer using your phone or tablet, you can download the Vanco Mobile app from either the App Store or Google Play, depending on your type of phone. You can easily set up an account and donation through the app. 

Outdoor Communion Service – December 15, 2021

Join us at 5pm for this last outdoor communion opportunity of 2021. Then stay for the 6pm outdoor, Advent Posada procession, prayers, and carol singing led by Mariachi San Pablo. Our procession re-enacts Mary and Joseph’s search for lodging in Bethlehem. It is followed by a meal of tamales and more plus bolos (traditional candy bags) and a star piñata. Outdoor and indoor seating is available during the meal. We hope you’ll join us for this special time of worship and celebration.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021, at 5:00pm

Advent Midweek Three – Outdoor Service of Holy Communion

Join us for an outdoor service of Holy Communion in the Zion courtyard! The service will be at 5:00pm-5:30pm. We look forward to worshiping with you!

Offerings Online, by App, or By Mail

Mail Offerings to: Zion Lutheran Church, 2800 Pershing Dr., El Paso, TX 79903

Donations via an app:  If you prefer using your phone or tablet, you can download the Vanco Mobile app from either the App Store or Google Play, depending on your type of phone. You can easily set up an account and donation through the app. 

Outdoor Posada Prayers, Procession, Carols & Party! – December 15, 2021

Posada Procession & Celebration! On Wednesday, December 15th, join us for an
outdoor, Advent Posada procession, prayers, and carol singing led by Mariachi San Pablo. Our procession re-enacts Mary and Joseph’s search for lodging in Bethlehem. It is followed by a meal of tamales and more plus bolos (traditional candy bags) and a star piñata. Outdoor and indoor seating is available during the meal. We hope you’ll join us for this special time of worship and celebration. We hope you’ll join us for this special time together!

Wednesday, December 15, 2021 Advent Midweek Three & Posada Worship – Evening Service of Prayer & Song

Masks while indoors? Recommended but not required – You are welcome to wear a mask at Zion and maintain social distancing as is recommended, but not universally required, by the CDC and the recent health ordinance of El Paso County. When you arrive, please let an usher know your distancing preference for seating. Disposable masks are available near the church entrance for those who wish to wear one but do not have one. (Learn more)

Offerings Online, by App, or By Mail

Mail Offerings to: Zion Lutheran Church, 2800 Pershing Dr., El Paso, TX 79903

Donations via an app:  If you prefer using your phone or tablet, you can download the Vanco Mobile app from either the App Store or Google Play, depending on your type of phone. You can easily set up an account and donation through the app.