“At Home in the Word” This Week – November 7-13, 2022

Repetition yields memorization, contemplation, and deeper understanding. Draw from these scriptures, prayers, catechetical materials, and hymn(s) throughout your week of personal and family devotion, prayer, or homeschool family instruction. Then let them resonate in new ways as we all gather together in worship on Sunday.

This Week’s Theme: “Hope Overcomes Fear”

Memory Verse

There in Heaven  

Rise up and sing

Your journey’s done

Arise with joy, your journey’s just begun

Rise up and sing*

Take a moment this week and remember someone you love. Say the names of loved ones whom Jesus has saved from death and are with Him in glory.  Today I say, “Rowena”. I composed the *lyric above when my grandmother Rowena died and we kids were asked to sing and play trumpet at her funeral.  Because Jesus said to His disciples,

1“Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. 2In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? 3And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.” John 14:1–3 (ESV)

I pictured Jesus reaching out and lifting my grandma to her feet, and her face was full of joy as they walked off together upward into bright light. How do you picture the moment shared between your loved one and Jesus, the moment He arrived to bring your loved one to glory? 

We have this description of our loved ones who are in heaven living eternally in the kingdom of God,

15b“he who sits on the throne will shelter them with his presence.  16They shall hunger no more, neither thirst anymore; the sun shall not strike them, nor any scorching heat.  17For the Lamb in the midst of the throne will be their shepherd, and he will guide them to springs of living water, and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.” Revelation 7:15b–17 (ESV)

Jesus is that “Lamb in the midst of the throne” who is the “shepherd.”  Because He gave His life for us on the cross and rose in victory over sin and death, He is the meeting place for us who are on earth and for those who are in glory. In Holy Communion are all brought together in Him.

I am looking forward to seeing Jesus, and heaven, and my grandmas and grandpas and the many, many others I have met and loved who found their salvation in Jesus.  I’m thankful that they taught my mom to know and trust Christ and that she has done the same for me and so many others.  There are and will be many, many people rejoicing in heaven because their sins are forgiven by grace of God, through faith in Christ (Rev. 7, Eph 2).  Since the book of Revelation tells us some of the words sung there by saints and angels, we have chosen to include those same words in our Sunday communion liturgies: 12“Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing!” Revelation 5:12 (ESV)

Gather together this month in affirmation of your faith, in joy as redeemed saints by the grace of Christ, and in remembrance and thanksgiving for those who have gone before us in faith. Serve Christ for the salvation of a new generation of God’s beloved. May Christ knit us together in Holy Communion with Him and all who are in Him here and everywhere, including heavenly glory.

In Christ’s peace,

Pastor Stephen

“At Home in the Word” This Week – October 31-November 6, 2022

Repetition yields memorization, contemplation, and deeper understanding. Draw from these scriptures, prayers, catechetical materials, and hymn(s) throughout your week of personal and family devotion, prayer, or homeschool family instruction. Then let them resonate in new ways as we all gather together in worship on Sunday.

This Week’s Theme: “Alive Forever”

Memory Verse

 “At Home in the Word” This Week – October 24-30, 2022

Repetition yields memorization, contemplation, and deeper understanding. Draw from these scriptures, prayers, catechetical materials, and hymn(s) throughout your week of personal and family devotion, prayer, or homeschool family instruction. Then let them resonate in new ways as we all gather together in worship on Sunday.

This Week’s Theme: “What is Truth?”…”I Am the Truth”

Memory Verse

Sunday Worship Service – October 23, 2022

For at-home worship, here are links to the video stream, bulletins, and more:

Sunday, October 23, 2022, at 10:30 AM

Divine Service Setting OneNon-Communion Service

The Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost

Theme: “For Us and With Us

This Sunday’s Livestream

Livestreams and Videos

View Worship Bulletin for October 23, 2022

For the printable version of the bulletin, please see this week's worship email. Didn't receive our weekly email? Contact us to subscribe

Children’s Activity Sheet, October 23, 2022 (pdf)

Offerings Online, by App, or By Mail

Mail Offerings to: Zion Lutheran Church, 2800 Pershing Dr., El Paso, TX 79903

Donate online via the Vanco Website

Donations Via Mobile App:  

If you prefer using your phone or tablet, you can download the Vanco Mobile app from either the App Store or Google Play, depending on your type of phone. You can easily set up an account and donation through the app. 

Vanco Mobile App

Sunday Worship Service – October 16, 2022

For at-home worship, here are links to the video stream, bulletins, and more:

Sunday, October 16, 2022, at 10:30 AM

Divine Service Setting OneCommunion Service

The Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Theme: “God’s Word for Us

This Sunday’s Livestream

Livestreams and Videos

View Worship Bulletin for October 16, 2022

For the printable version of the bulletin, please see this week's worship email. Didn't receive our weekly email? Contact us to subscribe

Children’s Activity Sheet, October 16, 2022 (pdf)

Offerings Online, by App, or By Mail

Mail Offerings to: Zion Lutheran Church, 2800 Pershing Dr., El Paso, TX 79903

Donate online via the Vanco Website

Donations Via Mobile App:  

If you prefer using your phone or tablet, you can download the Vanco Mobile app from either the App Store or Google Play, depending on your type of phone. You can easily set up an account and donation through the app. 

Vanco Mobile App

Sunday Worship Service – October 9, 2022

For at-home worship, here are links to the video stream, bulletins, and more:

Sunday, October 9, 2022, at 10:30 AM

Liturgy of Thanksgiving and Praise Non-Communion Service

The Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Theme: “Thank You, Jesus

This Sunday’s Livestream

Livestreams and Videos

View Worship Bulletin for October 9, 2022

For the printable version of the bulletin, please see this week's worship email. Didn't receive our weekly email? Contact us to subscribe

Children’s Activity Sheet, October 9, 2022 (pdf)

Offerings Online, by App, or By Mail

Mail Offerings to: Zion Lutheran Church, 2800 Pershing Dr., El Paso, TX 79903

Donate online via the Vanco Website

Donations Via Mobile App:  

If you prefer using your phone or tablet, you can download the Vanco Mobile app from either the App Store or Google Play, depending on your type of phone. You can easily set up an account and donation through the app. 

Vanco Mobile App

Let Us Love One Another

“Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love. )”

1 John 4:7-8

In addition to the means of grace: the Gospel message, Baptism, Absolution, and the Lord’s Supper… In addition to Salvation…  Jesus chose to give us.. EACH OTHER!  “Make disciples of all nations… baptizing them… (Mat 28)”  “You are the body of Christ and individually members of it (1 Cor 12)”  Yes, we are individually united to Christ AND we are together united to each other in Him.

Jesus has given many Gospel gifts and the gift to us of each other is an often-neglected joy when we list priorities or list blessings.  Not just our close circle of family and friends, but all God’s children are on our gratitude-radar.  You are the church, the beloved of God, brothers and sisters getting to know each other and discovering what it means to be wrapped up in God’s grace.  Did you know that God brought 235 people together at Zion during worship services to see each other, meet each other, and receive His grace together this year?  Last month, when we gathered for our picnic, what a joy it was to play games, share food, and begin conversations!  Last Sunday when our eldest member Marge’s heart stopped and she was attended to by prayer and CPR, what a unique time it was together of concern, action, and then rejoicing as she was revived.  Last month when you put on work clothes to begin preparations of classrooms for our expansion of Children’s and Youth Bible Classes, what a exhausting labor of love it was, filled with hope of little disciples growing in knowledge and faith in Jesus!  We experienced public and private sorrows, struggles, and joys that we lifted to Jesus in prayer during small group Bible studies and in the Divine Service.

God wants us always to remember that we are part of His plan to show Jesus as Savior of real people.  Lots and lots of beloved people.  October offers us many opportunities to know His love and love one another more and more by opening up scriptures to each other and serving side-by-side in times of fun, times of renewal, and times of struggle.  Let’s come together for Jesus. Know that the people surrounding you are very much part of His gift in life to us all. 

In Christ’s peace,

Pastor Stephen

Sunday Worship Service – October 2, 2022

For at-home worship, here are links to the video stream, bulletins, and more:

Sunday, October 2, 2022, at 10:30 AM

Diving Service Setting One Communion Service

The Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost

Theme: “Faith Alive

This Sunday’s Livestream

Livestreams and Videos

View Worship Bulletin for October 2, 2022

For the printable version of the bulletin, please see this week's worship email. Didn't receive our weekly email? Contact us to subscribe

Children’s Activity Sheet, October 2, 2022 (pdf)

Offerings Online, by App, or By Mail

Mail Offerings to: Zion Lutheran Church, 2800 Pershing Dr., El Paso, TX 79903

Donate online via the Vanco Website

Donations Via Mobile App:  

If you prefer using your phone or tablet, you can download the Vanco Mobile app from either the App Store or Google Play, depending on your type of phone. You can easily set up an account and donation through the app. 

Vanco Mobile App

Youth Confirmation Classes

Schedule: Wednesdays 5:45
Location: Zion Auditorium and Online via Zoom
Age group: 11-17
Cost for Books: $25 (assistance available)

New students are welcome! Confirmation classes for youth ages 11 and older are held weekly. Classes are in-person with an online option for attending using Zoom when needed. Youth learn the foundations of the Christian faith by studying and memorizing scripture and learning how to navigate the Bible. Study and memorization of key teachings of scripture, as laid out in Luther’s Small Catechism, provides a strong foundation for each youth’s life-long growth in faith and Christian life.

Request Confirmation Sign-Up Information here: