Event: Outdoor Summer Faith and Fun at Memorial Park, Saturday, July 10, 2021

Join us at Memorial Park from 8:45am to 10:30ish for some family fun! Get to know other families from Zion, get some good playtime for the kids, and be encouraged in your life as parents and the passing on of your faith to your kids! Activities will be good for ALL ages – so join us! Look for us to have a shade canopy just below the playground area.

Address: Memorial Park, 3251 Copper, El Paso, TX

Event: Summer Story Time at Zion – Thursday July 8, 2021

We invite all families with children in third grade or younger to join us for Story Time! Join us at 10:00am in the Zion Fellowship Hall for songs, stories, and crafts! You can also browse and take home books from our lending library! Please contact Krysia Heimer for more information.

UPDATE! – We had a wonderful time together on July 8th. Please make plans to join us with your children on Thursday, July 15th at 10am for our second summer story time. Here are some pictures from July 8th’s event.

Video Bible Study This Week July 5-11, 2021

“Lessons for Liturgy, Lessons for Life”

Scripture Study leading to Sunday, July 11, 2021

Pastor Emeritus Howard Patten and Pastor Stephen Heimer examine the upcoming scripture lessons for Sunday, July 11, 2021, the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost.


  • Amos 7:7–15
  • Ephesians 1:3–14
  • Mark 6:14–29

At Home With God’s Word On Our Lips

Little Jared watched, always excited to see what Papa was doing with his tools. His eyes tracked every move as Papa measured and marked the board and carried it over to the table saw. Step by step, Papa knew exactly what tool was needed next, where to find it, and how to use it (at least that’s how it appeared to the little guy watching). Nana, came near her grandson, seeing his eager eyes taking in Papa’s every move. “Papa sure is at home in his shop. Keep watching, you’ll get to help build with him soon.”

It wasn’t long and her words rang true. Adding to the home, even crafting yard furniture and other family items, became a family joy. But that wasn’t their only joy together. Papa’s well-worn Bible and Jared’s story Bible rested together next to the recliner in the living room where after breakfast they often sat together and read quietly. Papa would ask what Jared was reading and one morning they talked about how scary it must have been at times for men like Noah, Abraham, Daniel, and Joseph.

“Trust in Jesus,” Papa said. He’s with us as we fix up this house, but he’s also making us a home in heaven where we can all be together forever. Someday he’ll come take us to His home.” Jared thought for a moment and said to his Papa, “I bet he has some great tools!”

He surely does! and some of them He’s already given us so we can take part in His work: the Holy Spirit, His Word, baptism, communion, the Church, acts of love… He gives them to us for building each other up in His saving faith. Papa hadn’t always been as comfortable talking with his family about Jesus, but the more time he spent in God’s Word, the more at home he felt expressing some of the things he knew about Jesus and what was most important in life. Sundays at church with other families sometimes gave them things to talk about at home: favorite or hard songs, interesting or hard lessons. Even some of the less-satisfying times in worship raised the topic, “Why do we go?” and the conversations about salvation began. “It’s all because of Jesus, the awesomeness of Him saving us. He’s preparing us to be His light this week and receive Him with faith when He returns someday.”

Like God’s ancient people after they were rescued from bondage in Egypt, God wants our families to talk about and remember His salvation today. “You shall keep this service [the Passover]. And when your children say to you, ‘What do you mean by this service?’ you shall say, ‘It is the sacrifice of the Lord’s Passover, for he passed over the houses of the people of Israel in Egypt, when he struck the Egyptians but spared our houses.’ ” (Exodus 12:24-27)
Our children and grandchildren will ask us, “Why do we read the Bible? Pray before our meal? Sing hymns at bedtime? Why do we do kind things to help people we don’t know? Why do we get up Sunday morning and go receive the Lord’s Supper?” (The questions especially come when it means not doing something else that seems fun or interesting but is against God’s commands or has a conflicting schedule.)

Answers can include, “Because Jesus rose out of death and said we are His. Because life is more than food and drink and earthly homes. Because there is a lot to learn about what’s most important in life. Because there are people who are hurting and God wants us to be there for them. Because I need God’s forgiveness, as you well know. Because I want to love you like Jesus loves us. Because Jesus is preparing a home for us in heaven so we go hear what He has for us to remember and contemplate this week….”

Often it can be hard to find opportunities to express our hope, even with those nearest to us at home. I pray that our Sundays together will spark conversation at home. The “At Home in the Word” materials can additionally help you talk to one another about Jesus. Also, something new! Visit our website and download the Every Day Faith Calendar, that our publishing house, CPH, has released. It is a great tool to help you and your family become more at home with God’s Word on your lips together.

Open your Bibles, read, and talk. Long or short, the conversations may be the best gift you give each other on this side of heaven, as they teach and strengthen saving faith in Jesus.
Try out the calendar’s prompts this month and let me know how it goes. Be ready for the Holy Spirit to surprise you with sweet (and maybe hard but good) moments of conversation. Let’s get more at home with God’s Word on our lips.

in Christ’s peace,
Pastor Stephen